Tuesday we drove into Manila. This was our first time to go alone in the big city. Plenty nerve wracking! We did survive and arrived at the Mission Office in Makati without a scratch. Once there, Elder and Sister Tagg took us to S&R. It is the Manila Costco! They carry the Kirtland brand and even have the muffins etc. Was great to stock up on things we can’t get in the province. We bought monster boxes of Raisin Bran, Frosted Mini Shredded Wheat and Krustez pancake mix.
Tuesday evening we went out to dinner with the Taggs, Fershtuts (their last night in the Philippines before heading back to Layton), the Husseys and the Howards. We went to Tony Roma’s in downtown Manila and guess what!? It really was like Tony in the states. I had steak and shrimp and Elder Smith had steak and salmon and both dinners were delicious. It was pretty pricy for the Philippines but really good. We had a great visit and then went back to the Mission Home to spend the night. The Fershtuts left to catch their plane the next morning.
We arrived back home safely Wednesday evening and unloaded and put away all the groceries.
Thursday we had zone interviews with President Howard during the morning and then went with the Ternate Elders to teach and make contacts. One investigator made a baptismal commitment for the 22 of August.
Friday was a lazy day as we had a couple of plans fall through and so just worked on a program for a baptism and a few things.
Saturday we headed to Ternate for a RS activity but ended up just visiting with a couple of the sisters as the dance instructor didn’t show up to teach.
Saturday evening we went to a baptism in Trece and another in Naic. Between the two there are 11 new members of Church last night. We spoke at the Naic baptism.

One of 7 oxcarts we saw in Trece

Today when we got to Church at the Ternate Branch a member of the branch presidency came over and asked if Elder Smith would speak in Sacrament meeting. One of the speakers didn’t show so.. he did a great job! He is even a better speaker without preparation. Was really nice.
We’ve decided to start a “fruit of the month” feature. There are zillions of new and exciting things over here. The Rambutan has just come into season. It is totally weird looking. It is sort of a giant strawberry with spiky hair. Inside are the white innards that look and feel like a pealed grape. They have a monster pit. Not a ton of flavor in our opinion but certainly interesting.

Cut Open

Showing the Seed